Defense Attorney in Colorado

Legal Representation for Traffic Violation

Traffic charges can be the vast differences between a simple speeding ticket or parking citation to a felony hit and run. These tickets can cost thousands of dollars in insurance, and more serious charges can even result in jail or prison time. It is important to know where you stand with your traffic charges.

Whether you’ve been charged with a DUI or have been accused of running a stop sign, our legal team can help defend you.

Traffic Violation Defense Attorney

Whitham Law Group offers legal defense in both misdemeanor and felony traffic offenses such as:

  • Speeding Tickets
  • Reckless/careless driving citation
  • Commercial driving License Issues
  • DUR (Driving under revocation)
  • DUS (Driving under suspicion)
  • Failure to stay at an accident
  • DWAI/DUI charges

Are you facing traffic charges like the ones listed above? Let Whitham Law Group help you with your traffic-related charge.

Need Legal Help Concerning Traffic Charges? Contact Us.

If you’ve been accused of or have traffic charges, speak with our attorney to begin building your defense. Whether you committed the alleged crime or you were accused falsely, our Colorado attorney will fight for your rights.