Attorney for Paternity Cases in Colorado

Paternity Cases For Men

Whitham Law Group is here to represent men in paternity cases throughout Grand Junction and Western Colorado. When a child is born to unmarried parents, and if the parentage is in question, either the mother or father of the child can petition the court to establish paternity. Paternity actions can happen when a child is born during a marriage but the child’s biological father may not be the same person as the mother’s husband.

Paternity Cases Steps

Determination of Paternity pursuant: If paternity is decided to be disputed, either party can file a petition to establish the parent and the pursuant of child relationship. If you want to file a paternity action, or if you were served with a Petition to Establish the Parent and Child, contact us today.

How to resolve a Paternity Case under Colorado Law

The father can either move to disavow paternity or make an admission of paternity.

In these cases, the court can order the mother, father, and child to send a DNA testing to confirm that the man is the biological father of the child.

Once paternity is established, either party may request that the Court address the issues such as:

  • Child support
  • Health insurance
  • Allocation of parent responsibilities
  • Income tax dependency exemption

Need Legal Help Concerning Paternity Cases? Contact Us.

Get legal assistance and representation when it comes to your petition to the court for your paternity case.