Family Law Attorney in Colorado
Child Neglect Defense Attorney
If you or a loved one has been accused, our child neglect defense attorney can help you. It is important to speak with a child neglect defense attorney before speaking to social services, caseworkers, or police.
First, it is important to understand the extent of the child neglect or child abuse you are being accused of.
Child Neglect vs. Child Abuse
Having a child neglect defense attorney will help protect you in the legal system against the claims that you are being accused of. Child neglect and child abuse are two different criminal acts. Child neglect often results in placing a child in a dangerous or unhealthy environment, such as failure to provide food, clothing, shelter, or medical care.
Physical Neglect
This type of neglect occurs when a child’s circumstances can affect their physical needs. This includes things like food, shelter, and clothing. Other examples of physical deprivation can include leaving a child out in the elements (outside).
Medical Neglect
Medical neglect can be charged against you if your child is denied medical care to treat a condition or prevent an illness from worsening. Failing to secure medical attention for an injury or illness with the intent to cause death is also an example of medical neglect.
Supervisory Neglect
Supervisory neglect occurs when a parent, guardian, or caregiver (i.e. teacher, babysitter, nanny, etc) fails to supervise a child to prevent possible injury or harm. Examples of supervisory neglect can include leaving children around weapons or a swimming pool unsupervised.
Environmental Neglect
Environmental neglect is related to the surroundings of the child and their living circumstances. If a child’s living environment is filthy, for example, rotting food, rat droppings, cockroaches, and dirty clothes, you could be responsible for environmental child neglect.
Educational Neglect
Educational neglect is presented when a child has not been given access to an education. This can include parents or guardians failing to register a child for school or studies.
Emotional Neglect
Emotional neglect occurs when a child is deprived of building healthy, positive feelings due to a parent’s treatment of the child. Examples of this can include humiliating a child, rejecting a child, verbal abuse, or bullying. Other varieties can include a parent’s struggle to fulfill a child’s emotional needs due to depression or drug use.
Need Legal Help from a Child Neglect Defense Attorney? Contact Us.
If you’ve been accused or charged with a neglect offense, speak with our child neglect defense attorney to begin building your case. Whether you committed the alleged crime or you were accused falsely, our Colorado child neglect defense attorney will fight for your right to a fair trial.